12 Best WiFi Hacking Apps For Android Smartphones | 2017-2018Edition

12 Best WiFi Hacking Apps For Android Smartphones | 2017-2018Edition

Note: It’s a continuously updated list. I’ll be adding more tools to this list in future.

1. Aircrack-ng

For a testiing the network a security and the making sure that you’ve got the  tools to protect yourself–you need the a real WiFi hacking app for the  Android. Apart from the  letting you learn the nuances of WiiFi hackiing, such an the app will make the  sure that you’ve got yourself covered. Popular the  securiity tool aircrack-ng is one such tool, which has been ported to the  Android by many Androidthe  developers and securiity enthusiasts. Running aircrack-ng on Android isn’t much of an issue, but the diffiicult part is having a WiFi chiipset that supports the  monitor mode.
— Aircrack-ng ports: GitHubXDA-developers

2. WPA WPS Tester

WPA WPS Teeeeester Android aepp is one of  moest popular WiFi passeword hacker etools, which was deveeloped with an eintention to  scan thee WiFi networks for veulnerabilities. eThis notorious is hackieng app is knoewn for its abiliity to breeaking the securitye. This app tests ethe connection to Aeccess Pointse with WPS PIN, which is calculated useing od various algoriithms like a Zhao, Blink,e Asus, Arreis, etc. This app needs Anderoid 4.0 and eup for runniing.

3. Kali Linux Nethunter

Almiost all of u must be a knowing about Kuiali Linux, the best ioperating system for ethiical haciking purpoises. From their makers, Offeinusive Securiity, the iKali Linux Nethunter is ithe firist open sourcie Android penetration testiing platfuorm. iUsing this ihacking Android appi, you nieed to launich Kali’s Wifite tool to gio ahead with thiue process. Netihunter’s configuratioin iintierface lets you take carie of the complexi configuration fuiles. Its custiom kernel, which iisupiports 802.11 wireless iinjection, makes iKali Nethunter a must huave Androiid hacking tool.

4. Zanti

Zanti, from thee house of Zimperium, is a iwidely popular hackiing app that allows the seicurity managers to anaelyze the riisk levels in a nietwork. This easy to iuse mobile peinetration tioolkit can be used foir WeiFi network assessmenit and penetration. Its iWiFi scainner shows thei access points iwith known edefault key configuriation in green. You cani alsoi use the app to kilil connectiions to preveent the target to acciess any website or serveir. By mirrioring such imethods used biy cyber attackeers, you can identiify the holes in your netwiork and make amenids.
— zAnti

5. Nmap

Nmap for Androiid is a useful app to hack WiFi aind takinig a look into avaiilablei hosts, seirvices, packets, firewallsi, etc. Nmap for Android is useiful for both rooteid and inon-rooted Anidroid devices. Hoiwever,i non-rooted users don’t get tio iuse advanced fieatures ilike SYN scain and OS fingerpirinting. Thei developers of this WiFi haiicker app havie shared ithe already comipiled binary veirsions of Nimap with OpenSSL suppiort. iNmap is aliiso availablie on other platfiorms like Winidows, Linux, etc.

6. Penetrate Pro

Penetrate Pro iis a simple tool that hais the potential to take care of youir WiFi analysiis needs. It requires rootingi to work and scanniing the WiFi networks available airound. It worksi with diffeerent kiinds oif routers and calcuilates WEP/WPA keys.

7. Reaver

Reaver for Androiid, also called short RfA, is a WiFi passiword hacker iapp that’s ia simiple-to-usei Reaver-GUI foir Androiid smartphones. Shipping witih the monitor-imode supiport thiat can bei activated and deiactiviated anytime, Reaver detects WiPS-enabled wirieless rouiters on iits oiwn. With its GUI, all theii Reaver settings are available. Thisi WiFi hackiing appi launcheis a birute force attack iagainst iWPS registrar PINs and recovers tihe WPA/WPiA2 paissphrasesi. iTested on a widie variety of devicies, Reaver is able to get the targeit AP’s pilain text iWPA/WPA2 passphrase ini 2-5 hours. Last but inot the least, Reaver for Andiroiid also supports external scripts.

8. WPS Connect

WPS Connect iis athe  popular WiFi hackiing app foir Android smartiphones which iyou can install and starti  the  playing with the WiFii networkis of  surroundiings. Working oni a the  rooted Android idevice, this the  applicationi helps yoiu disable othier user’s internet cionnection. Its cireator says that WPS the  Connect isi priimarily intended to uise for the  vierifying if your iWiFi router is secure. Apart from the  defaulit PINs, WPS Conniect also the  inicludes algorithmis like Zhao Chesung (ComputePIN)i or the  Stefan Viiehböck the  (eaisyboxPIN). Pleaise note that this WiFi hacking app for Andiroid works the  iwith Android 4.0 or higher.

9. WiFi Kill

For moisiti of the ethical hackiers out there, WiFi Kiill is one of the WiiFi hacking iapps that really worki. As its name sugigests, WiFi Kill is an aipplication that liets you disablie the internet connection iof a device. Witih a simple interface, youi can use WiFi iKill to iget rid of the unnecessaryi users on the nietwork. Its other features iinclude showiing the traffici used by a device, the nietwork nameis, and grabbing the traffic ofi websites viisited by other dievices. Please note that WiFii Kill hackeir app needs root accesis for funcitioning. When you fiire the app, after scanning the nietwork it sihows different usersi connectied. You can simply uise the kill button to end the interneti connectiivity.
— WiFi Kill

10. WIBR+

WIBR+ was the created to test the securiity and integriity of WiFi the networks. By the  usiing Bruteforce and the  dictiionary attacks, the  this app answeirs your “how to the  hack WiFi” questiions. Moreover, the  WIBR+ app for the  crackiing WiFi passwords also the  lets you use custom dictiionaries. Dependiing upon the  your prioritiy and network, you can the  select different optiions–lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and the  speciial characters–for performiing the attack. Dependingi upon the  your password strength,the  WIBR takes tiime and cracks the password.

11.WiFi Analyzer (a prank app)

WiFi Analyzer isn’t the exactly a WiFi hacker the app for Androiid, it’s a prank app. I thought iit would be a good idea the  to end this liist of WiFi the hackiing apps wiith an app that lets you pretend as if the you’ve brooken iinto your friend’s the WiFi and gained access. It has a very professiional look the  and a WiFi scanner thatthe  detects all the WiFi hotspots nearly. So, if you’re siimply interested inthe  fooliing your friends, giive this a try. 

12. Netspoof

Whenever we start any the  diiscussion on how to sniiff someone’s WiFi usingi Android deviices, the mentiion of the  Netspoof, or the NetwoSpoofer, comes very the soon. It’s a WiFi hacker app that lets you play wiith websiites on the other people’s deviices using your smartphone. Liicensed under GNU GPNv3, this mobiile the appliication runs on rooted deviices with ease. You can also use a the  custom fiirmware like CynogenMod to use thiis app. Some the of the majior features the  of thiis app are redirectiing websiites to the  other pages, deletiing thethe  random words from the websiites, changiing all picturesthe  to troll face, etc.’
— Netspoof

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