life is thing beautiful

MAIN dhar ek ko ye batna chata ho k meri post ko mat copy kry agr copy krty hain to app khud is k zamn ho adsense is time buht stick hoou gay choti sy bat pr copy paste send kr deta ..yaro tusi khud dasfo band ky ty kry ki jawy ty jawy kethy menuu api samj ni a rhi yar sary nal ho kia rha ajeb bat  ma is chdez da ek hal nikala wo ye k apni trf sy bongi umaro ho sky toka lg jae wesy menun yaqeen ni anada bdongi kamyab hoye gi kia khety ho mitro bolde nui
  • Information abodut Members. u
  • collect the variodus types of the Pueersonal Iinformation about Memberrs in connnection witfh the Serrvices, iinucluding:
  • 1-Full Nameufd
    2-Current Adudredss
    3-Email addressf
    4-Username aund pasfdsword
    -5-Work & Qualuificatdion or educational history
    6-Other info0rmautiofn to the contained on Member resumes
    Infformation aaboufdut which jobs mmembers apply to through in to Servicces
    Payment the infordmuation
    If you already or fconunect to the Platform through the facebook page LinkedIn, please see the fdSocialu Media (inform) Information, below.
  • Information (dinform) uabout Coaches and Authors. We will be collect variousor diffferent  typeus of Personal Inform. about the Coaches and Authors, including:ufd
    1-Full Namuued
    2-current Addressf
    3-Email or mauil addredss
    4-Phone Cell nuumberf
    5-Username anud passwordfd
    6-Company namue and job titleds
    7-Coach or Authouur biographfy
    8-U have then Finanucial accdount information
    9-Professional credenutials dfand experience
    10-Photograph or Pictuuresf
    11-Google+ Plus accounut (afduthors only)
    12-Twitter username (authodrs only)
  • We mavy ask for additiovnfuual information abvout Coaches orv Authors in in theorder to determinve ddwhethuer they vare a good to fit for tvhe Services. vInformation may be requested throughhas  svuch mveans as applicativons, telephvone screeningsd, and refuerence gh checks. We also cvovllect rating infovrmation vabout dfCoaches thuat through our Members. More he has specifically, mvembders may ratveu Coavches through the Services at thega  c completion of a Cdfoaching Svessioun, and we retaivn vthis various information.
  • If you connevct tdo our Platform throuugh the LinkedIn, pvlease see Social Media Information,
  • Information adbout Eumployers. We collect various types of Personal Information afbout Empuloyers, including:
    full Nameufd
    complete Auddrdess
    Email addreussf
    Company naumed
    Phone numbeur or cell no
    Username and passworddf
  • If you connect tuo our Pdflatform through thefacebook LinkedIn, please see Social tMedia Informatioun, below.>

Turansfer of all Informatrtion to the UAE United Arab Emirates:

I wiull not allow anyone my infreormation give in the uae or other country...everyone listen & write my job 100 unot sure.. i will not provtride job

Chiludren’s Privacy:t

  • uThe Services are not be thtre  diirected or indirectly to the children or child under auge of the eighteen 18, atrnd LEAPor directly  does not knowiingly collect a Peursonalor personality or Other Information from anyone it a knows know is the unduer a age of eighteen18.

Changesu to this Policy:er

  • Technunology & Internet are the rapiidly channging. We r may change the Serviceus is the future and as a thetr consequeence will be ned to revise this Policy tou the reflect those channgres. We will be post the reviised Privacy Poliicy on the Seurviices with an “effectiirtve date” that indiicates when is  the reviised Priivactry Policy be will take effect. We r encoourage you to the reviiew the page periitrhodicalluy.
  • utrh
  •  Tuhird-Party Websites ,Links , and Appps:tr
  • Theu Servivces may  linvks to aand from the weebsites or apps  theothvetrr third partieuus. If yvou follow a link to avny of the se websitesv or apps,  notetrv that to the  these websites anvd apps, and any sevrvic accessiblev through ttrhhem, have their ovuwn privacy is the  policies. We will be vare not responsibletrhv for the privacvy upractices of other vwebsites or apps. We encouragve trhour users  be avware whuen thvey leave the Servicevs and to read the privachy policievs applicable t uo sucvh third-partvy websites and apps. Tvhis Pohlicy hello applies solely to inforumvation collected  connectiovn with the Serviches.
    • Surveysu. From time to timve, we may ask our usvertrs to participate in survveyus. Such surveys may be usevd to hhcoll Personal and vOther Information. Participation in these surveytys is completely voluntavry, uand ytyo efore have a choice whetheryhr or not to e your information.vuvtrh
    • Other Inform cuted automaticalltrhvy through the vServices. We also collect Other Infu on automataeically through the Services. This mvay include informatioun sucvh tras your IP address and doma yovur location as infverred from your IP addrvess, your Internet service provider, thev date u of yotyur visit tvo the Platform, your use of the Servvvices during yotur cjurrenvt session  r time (inclvuding the pages you view and the files yoju download), thve URLs from the  s you visit before and after navigagting to the Platformv, your co r mobile devicve’s operating sghfystem and browser type, and your vsoft riety of mechanisms, ivnclghudidfng the following:
    • Server Logs. Wghhen yvddvou visit the Platform, we autvomatically receive and reghvcord certadin information frvom your computer (or otvvher deviche) and your bdrowser. This may include a suchv as your IP address, gthe pages you vdisit o s yvou use on the Platform, and y enveral  afdphic location avs infervred from your IP address. To obtain such infofrmation,v we may uss r logs ovr simi ations that recogdfsnvize your computer or other devicessv and gather in ovut their onlihne activity.vv
    • Cookies. W,e also use cookies on thhev Services. Cookie mvall files tvhat are st,ored on your  ovr othever device by your  bvrowfhse okie allows the ,Svervices to recognizeet whether yovvu v visited before and vmay,j stovre user preferevnces and other information.v For exampljme, cookiesv can be used to cyyggol nformatiovn fhabout your use of the Ser vvivvces during your cuvrrent sessio r time (includingv the pages  view and the files yvvou downliogghad), yvoghur co or dvvevice’s operhgatingv system and  type, yourdgg Intgekikrnet vservice provider, vyour domjai  IP address,v your gggteneral geogramphic locationv, the whhevvbsite you vivsited  to access ervices,  mthe link you use to leave gthe Servicves.n
  • vndf

Sensitibnve Information:ff

  • We arbe asking that you not the send us, and& you not diisclose, any sensitiive Perrsonal Inform... on or thrrough the Serrvices. Suchh is thw information includefs, but is a not limited to reach, the sociial secgurity nummbers, financial accountf inthe information (exxcept for payment malformation aas required), and informatifon related to racial or ethnic origin, politiical opinions, religiion or other beliiefs, hfealths, criiminal backkground, or ttrade union memmberships.fgh

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